Other Taxes
2021-02-17 | taxes | No Comments
We are not going to give a complete list of the different tax options that are levied in the US, it is quite a long list and sometimes there are funny things like the tax on playing cards bought in Alabama, the 6% tax on the value of a tattoo in Arkansas (paid by the person who got the tattoo) or the 5% fee in Illinois on the sale of non-flour candy. Consider the more familiar taxes found in the United States.
Each state levies licensing fees. They are paid annually by entities for the right to engage in certain activities within that state. They account for about 6 percent of a state’s total tax revenue.
Some states, such as California, levy a business activity tax. The tax includes two elements: a tax on the total annual turnover of a business ranging from 1 to 2.5 percent and a payroll tax. In California, the tax is 1.6%.